Pottery Barn outdoor living
The skies have darkened and the weather has turned cold and rainy here in this little valley, and I find that my thoughts shift constantly to warmer, lazier days spent sipping cool drinks on the porch of my house by the river.
Summer afternoons in the bee balm
There is something magical about a hazy summer morning by the river, watching  the sunlight sparkle on the  shifting surface while the garden flowers turn their  happy little faces toward the light for a day of sunbathing.
My favourite riverside spot
Sadly, I can't find an inside shot of the porch here in summertime... but suffice it to say that it holds a very fond place in my memory, and I would love to spend a few hours curled up in a chair there  with a kitty in my lap, dreaming away the afternoon.
Wherever you find yourself on this rainy day, I hope your day is filled with warm thoughts and happy memories!

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