No words are necessary here... is there any happier creature than a dog with a tennis ball?

I think not.

Charlie loves to chase a ball... sadly, he is not much of a retriever!  I end up being the one who goes and retrieves the ball to throw it for him again. 

This dog has it all figured out, my friends.

3/10/2013 11:51:40 pm

You are right no words are needed to express the happiness in that smiling face! That is a spectacular shot too!

3/11/2013 01:10:19 am

Thanks, Sherry! It's just a quickie with my cell phone, but it really captured his joy :-) This boy loves to chase a ball!

3/11/2013 12:42:29 am

The best pet photos are taken while crawling around on the ground at eye level :) Charlie is SO cute!

3/11/2013 01:11:52 am

Thanks, Anne! He's such a great dog :-)

3/11/2013 05:29:58 am

Great photo! He's just helping you get some exercise too ;)

3/11/2013 07:39:44 am

Charlie would probably enjoy a play date with my fur babies. I would have to warn him that one of my senior doxies is quite lazy and would not be the least bit interested in chasing a ball. My poodle, long haired chihuahua, and the other doxie would love to play ball with Charlie. He is a cutie!

3/14/2013 09:30:40 am

Oh my he is too cute! My dog loves to destroy tennis balls. They only last about 10 minutes, but at least she still likes playing with the deflated ones!


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